Plant Profile

Adenandra Uniflora

Common names: Shepherds Delight

Plant Type :
Height :
Evergreen :
Indigenous :

Position :
Moisture :
Soil :
Wind :
Frost :

Sub Shrub
Up to 40 cm

Full Sun
Average water
Well Drained Soil
Wind Resistant
Some Frost

This evergreen, short, bushy shrub grows to a height of 100-450 mm. With its compact growth habit, showy flowers and aromatic foliage, it is an ideal garden or pot plant.

This buchu grows to a height of 1 m and occurs on sandy soils from Malmesbury to Caledon in Western Cape.

This buchu is found growing in sand and among sandstone outcrops at low to moderate altitudes, often on burnt patches and sometimes in disturbed habitats.

Adenandra uniflora grows best when planted in full sun and needs adequate water during the hot summer months. It requires a soil that is well drained, composted and enriched with a well-balanced fertilizer (3:2:1). It is slow growing and needs space in the garden bed to allow it to develop to its full potential without being squashed by other faster growing plants.

Like other fynbos plants, planting buchus in your garden is best done after the first good winter rains, (May to July at the Cape). Buchus respond to fairly dense plantings, which help to retain soil moisture. An annual mulching of well-rotted compost is advised, to reduce weeds and keep the soil temperature low.

Buchus can be grown from seed or cuttings.

Type :
Colour :
Use :
Other :

Identification Tool :
Silver White , Light Green , Green , Dark Green , Yellow Green , Grey Green

  • - Leaf morphology

    Small, oblong, light green leaves are densely to rather sparsely arranged on branches. The leaves are smooth above with revolute margins (rolling back), are 0.5-1 mm long, sometimes with a recurved apex, and are aromatic, with 10-60 inconspicuous glandular dots (oil glands).

    Type :
    Time :
    Colour :
    Use :
    Other :

    Identification Tool :
    Radial (Actinomorphic)
    Winter / Spring
    White , Cream , Light Pink , Pink , Dark Pink

  • - Flower morphology

    Solitary, large white flowers, 10-30 mm across, are borne on a slender, reddish branch. The flower has five rounded white petals, the glistening white resembling porcelain, with a suffusion of red along the veins. The underside of the petal is flushed pink and the sepals are leaf-like, glabrous or hairy and rolled. The flowering buds are red before they open and flowers decorate the shrub from mid-winter to spring (July to October). Flowers are mildly fragrant.

    Each anther is tipped with a tiny, curiously sticky gland. Staminodes are, erect or slightly incurved, 2.5-4.4 mm long, and like the stamens are hairy. The stamens are peculiar, each carrying a conspicuous red terminal knob or gland.


    Adenandra uniflora can be distinguished from A. villosa by its relatively soft leaves with revolute margins, solitary flowers, large, leaf-like calyx segments and smaller anthers.

    Dried leaves are used for potpourri.

  • Reference Plant profile

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