Plant Profile
Aponogeton distachyos
Common names: Waterblommetjie; Vleikos; Cape Pond Weed
Plant Type :
Height :
Evergreen :
Indigenous :
Position :
Moisture :
Soil :
Wind :
Frost :
Water Plant
Up to 1 m
Full Sun
Waterland / swamp
Loamy Soil
Aponogeton angustifolius is a freshwater aquatic, with small, ornamental floating leaves and delicate, short sprays of white flowers. It is becoming increasingly threatened in the wild. It is suited to seasonal garden ponds, or, grown in urns or bowls, it makes an interesting water plant for a sunny courtyard garden.
This winter-growing species is easily grown in seasonal, shallow, garden ponds up to 500 mm deep, as well as in water-filled shallow bowls, urns and sealed tubs. It requires full sun, or at least morning or afternoon sun from autumn until late spring.
Colour :
Use :
Other :
Identification Tool :
The plant produces several small, lance-shaped or narrowly elliptical, light green, floating leaves that have a prominent midrib along the lower surface, and are produced at the tips of thin petioles.
Time : Colour :
Use :
Other :
Identification Tool :
The flowers have 6 short stamens with white, erect filaments, deep brownish-maroon anthers and yellow or orange ripe pollen, and an erect, white style that rises slightly above the anthers